BODY: centers everything in it, except when overridden by a child block's style
DIV=CONTENTCENTER: no align specified; inherits from BODY; padding of 30 on sides
DIV=CONTENTLEFT: left aligns its contents
DIV WITH INLINE center text align; it is left aligned but its contents are centered
DIV=DIVX: it and its contents are aligned left because of contentLeft; however, the border appears centered because of margin with 'auto'

p with align left; forces new lines

p with align right; forces new lines

div with align left; no new lines
div with align right; no new lines
DIV=CONTENTRIGHT: right aligns its contents
DIV WITH INLINE center text align; it is right aligned but its contents are centered

DIV=DIVX: it and its contents align right because of contentRight; the border appears centered because 'auto' was used on divX's margin; the <p> is redundant with the div, though it might force a new line in some contexts while a div won't