
original version off of web

Quick ref
Parameters, querying and setting
HTML tags, overriding
URL, getting the script's
HTML document, starting
HTML document, ending
HTML, standard elements
HTML shortcuts, distributive property of
HTML shortcuts, non-standard
HTML characters, autoescaping
Printing args without spaces
Forms, starting and ending
Forms, textfield, creating a
Forms, textarea, creating a
Forms, password field, creating a
Forms, upload field, creating a
Forms, upload field, responding to errors
Forms, popup menu, creating a
Forms, scrolling list, creating a
Forms, checkboxes, related, creating
Forms, checkboxes, standalone, creating
Forms, radiobutton group, creating a
Forms, submit button, creating a
Forms, reset button, creating a
Forms, default button, creating a
Forms, hidden field, creating a
Forms, clickable image button, creating a
Cookie, creating a
Cookie, retrieving a
Style sheets example
Debug, dumping name/value pairs
Environmental variables, fetching
A complete example of a simple form-based script
Javascript, style

Quick ref

  Don't import :standard: if using CGI object

    $q->header,                      # content-type
    $q->start_html('hello world'),   # html + body, title
    $q->h1('hello world'),           # h1
    $q->end_html;                    # body + html

  Routines allowing multiple args:

    print $q->header(-type=>'image/gif',-expires=>'+3d');

    Each argument name is preceded by a dash. Neither case nor
    order matters in the argument list.

  Routines allowing one args:

    print $q->header('text/html');

    Provide the single argument without an argument name.

  HTML tags have both attributes and contents (the part between the
  opening and closing pairs.) Pass HTML attributes as a hash
  reference as the first argument, and the contents, if any, as any
  subsequent arguments. Examples:

    Code                           Generated HTML
    ----                           --------------
    h1()                           <H1>  # is this correct? missing </H1>?
    h1('some','contents');         <H1>some contents</H1>
    h1({-align=>left});            <H1 ALIGN="LEFT">
    h1({-align=>left},'contents'); <H1 ALIGN="LEFT">contents</H1>

Parameters, querying and setting

  @keywords = $q->keywords

  @names = $q->param

  @values = $q->param('foo');

  $value = $q->param('foo');

  $q->param('foo', $newValueForFoo); # additional values can be provided (e.g. array elements)

  $the_string = $q->query_string;
    URL SAMPLE            VALUE OF $the_string             keywords=test      test1=;test2=  test1=1;test2=2

HTML tags, overriding

  There will be some times when you want to produce the start and
  end tags yourself. In this case, you can use the form
  start_*tag_name* and end_*tag_name*, as in:

  print start_h1,'Level 1 Header',end_h1;

  You can specify the tags you want to generate *start/end*
  functions for by putting an asterisk in front of their names
  in the import list.

  use CGI qw/:standard *table *ul/;

  In this example, the following functions are generated in
  addition to the standard ones:

  1. start_table() (generates a <TABLE> tag)
  2. end_table() (generates a </TABLE> tag)
  3. start_ul() (generates a <UL> tag)
  4. end_ul() (generates a </UL> tag)



  # returns Content-type of text/html
  $q->header  OR

  # returns Content-type of image/gif with expiration date

  # other variations
    -status=>'402 Payment required',
    -expires=>'+3d',           # overrides default of refresh to use same script result for 3d
    -cookie=>$cookie,          # sets cookie
    -attachment=>'foo.gif',    # (might) prompt user to save the named file

  The curly braces are required for HTML attributes and optional for
  other routines. For example:

    print $q->header( {-type=>'image/gif',-expires=>'+3d'} );

  Many routines will do something useful with a named argument that
  it doesn't recognize. For example, some non-standard HTTP headers

    print $q->header(
            -type  =>  'text/html',
            -cost  =>  'Three smackers',
            -annoyance_level => 'high',
            -complaints_to   => 'bit bucket'

    Resulting non-standard HTTP header:

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Cost: Three smackers
    Annoyance-level: high
    Complaints-to: bit bucket
    Content-type: text/html

  print $q->header(
          -status=>'402 Payment required',

  -type: default is 'text/html'

  -attachment: Instead of displaying the page, some browsers
  prompt the user to save it to disk. The value of the argument
  is the suggested name for the saved file. In order for this to
  work, you may have to set the -type to "application/octet-stream".

  Most browsers will not cache the output from CGI scripts. Every
  time the browser reloads the page, the script is invoked anew.
  You can change this behavior with the -expires parameter. When
  you specify an absolute or relative expiration interval with
  this parameter, some browsers and proxy servers will cache the
  script's output until the indicated expiration date. The
  following forms are all valid for the -expires field:

  +30s                              30 seconds from now
  +10m                              ten minutes from now
  +1h                               one hour from now
  -1d                               yesterday (i.e. "ASAP!")
  now                               immediately
  +3M                               in three months
  +10y                              in ten years time
  Thursday, 25-Apr-1999 00:40:33 GMT  at the indicated time & date


  print $q->redirect('http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land');

URL, getting the script's

  $full_url      = $q->url();
  $full_url      = $q->url(-full=>1);  #alternative syntax
  $relative_url  = $q->url(-relative=>1);
  $absolute_url  = $q->url(-absolute=>1);
  $url_with_path = $q->url(-path_info=>1);
  $url_with_path_and_query = $q->url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1);
  $netloc        = $q->url(-base => 1);

  url() returns the script's URL in a variety of formats. Called
  without any arguments, it returns the full form of the URL,
  including host name and port number

  You can modify this format with the following named arguments:

    -absolute: If true:


    -relative: If true:

    -full: If true: exactly as if called without any arguments

    -path: If true: append the additional path information to the URL.

    -query: If true: append the query string to the URL.

    -base: If true: Generate just the protocol and net location:

HTML document, starting

  After creating the HTTP header, most CGI scripts will start
  writing out an HTML document. The start_html() routine a canned
  HTML header and the opening <BODY> tag. All parameters are
  optional. In the named parameter form, recognized parameters
  are -title, -author, -base, -xbase, -dtd, -lang and -target.
  Any additional parameters you provide, such as the Netscape
  unofficial bgcolor attribute, are added to the <BODY> tag.

  print $q->start_html(
          -title=>'Secrets of the Pyramids',
          -meta=>{'keywords'=>'pharaoh secret mummy',
                  'copyright'=>'copyright 1996 King Tut'},

    -meta results:
        <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="pharaoh secret mummy">
        <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="copyright 1996 King Tut">

    -head: for creating an HTTP-EQUIV type of <META> tag or other
    arbitrary HTML elements to the <HEAD> section. For example,
    to place the <LINK> element in the head section, use this:

      print start_html(

    To incorporate multiple HTML elements into the <HEAD>
    section, just pass an array reference:

      print start_html(

    To create an HTTP-EQUIV <META> tag:

      print start_html(
              -head=>meta({-http_equiv => 'Content-Type',

HTML document, ending

  print $q->end_html

  This ends an HTML document by printing the </BODY></HTML> tags.

HTML, standard elements


    print $q->blockquote(
            "Many years ago on the island of",
            "there lived a Minotaur named",


    Many years ago on the island of
    <a HREF="">Crete</a> there lived
    a minotaur named <strong>Fred.</strong>

  If you provide one or more string arguments, they are
  concatenated together with spaces and placed between opening
  and closing tags:

    print $q->h1("Chapter","1"); # <H1>Chapter 1</H1>"

HTML shortcuts, distributive property of

    One of the cool features of the HTML shortcuts is that they
    are distributive. If you give them an argument consisting of
    a reference to a list, the tag will be distributed across
    each element of the list.


      print $q->ul(


        <LI TYPE="disc">Sneezy</LI>
        <LI TYPE="disc">Doc</LI>
        <LI TYPE="disc">Sleepy</LI>
        <LI TYPE="disc">Happy</LI>


      print $q->table(
              $q->caption('When Should You Eat Your Vegetables?'),
                $q->th(['Vegetable', 'Breakfast','Lunch','Dinner']),
                $q->td(['Tomatoes' , 'no', 'yes', 'yes']),
                $q->td(['Broccoli' , 'no', 'no',  'yes']),
                $q->td(['Onions'   , 'yes','yes', 'yes'])

HTML shortcuts, non-standard

  comment: comment() generates an HTML comment (<!-- comment -->).
  Example:  print comment('here is my comment');

  The following functions begin with initial caps to avoid
  conflicts with built-in Perl functions:

    Select, Tr, Link, Delete, Accept, Sub

HTML characters, autoescaping

  All HTML that is emitted by the form-generating functions is
  passed through a function called escapeHTML():

    $escaped_string = escapeHTML("unescaped string");

  This means that you can safely use "<CLICK ME>" as the label
  for a button. However, it also interferes with your ability to
  incorporate special HTML character sequences, such as Á,
  into your fields. If you wish to turn off automatic escaping,
  call the autoEscape() method with a false value immediately
  after creating the CGI object:

    $q = new CGI;

  Automatic escaping does not apply to other (non-form) shortcuts
  such as h1(). You should call escapeHTML() yourself on
  untrusted data in order to protect your pages against nasty
  tricks that people may enter into guestbooks, etc.

Printing args without spaces

  When you don't want the comma to result in a space, temporarily
  redefine $"

  {  # this block helps ensure $" isn't changed for subsequent code
    local($") = '';
    print blockquote('fi','sh')); # <BLOCKQUOTE>fish</BLOCKQUOTE>

Forms, starting and ending

        method: POST
        action: this script
        enctype: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    start_multipart_form()   # use this version for filefields (safer to always use?)
        method: POST
        action: this script
        enctype: multipart/form-data

    endform() # closing </FORM> tag.

Forms, textfield, creating a

  print $q->textfield(
          -default=>'starting value',


  print $q->textfield(
          'field_name','starting value',50,80

  Order is important, as second form illustrates. The first param
  is required; the second, third, fourth are optional.

Forms, textarea, creating a

  print $q->textarea(
          -default=>'starting value',


  print $q->textarea(
          'foo','starting value',10,50

  See textfield() for same requirements.

Forms, password field, creating a

  print $q->password_field(
          -value=>'starting value',


  print $q->password_field(
          'secret','starting value',50,80

  See textfield() for same requirements.

Forms, upload field, creating a

  print $q->filefield(
          -default=>'starting value',   # Note: ignored! blank result!


  print $q->filefield(
          'uploaded_file','starting value',50,80

  To use filefield(), use start_multipart_form(), not start_form().

  Parameters: first is required; the rest are optional.

  You can retrieve the entered filename by calling param():

    $filename = $q->param('uploaded_file');

  Note: Some browsers return the filename only. Others return the
  full path to the file, using the path conventions of the user's
  machine. Regardless, the name returned is always the name of
  the file on the user's machine.

  The filename returned is also a file handle. Thus you can use it
  as in these examples:

    # Read the lines of a text file and print them out via $_
    while (<$filename>) {

    # SAFER: use upload(). When called with the name of an
    # upload field, upload() returns a filehandle (or undef if the
    # parameter is not a valid filehandle). (This is safer because
    # it is possible for the remote user to type GARBAGE into
    # the upload field, in which case what you get from param() is
    # not a filehandle at all, but a string.
    $fh = $q->upload('uploaded_file');
    while (<$fh>) {

    # Copy a binary file to somewhere safe (this does
    # not use the SAFE style shown above)
    open (OUTFILE,">>/usr/local/web/users/feedback");
    while ($bytesread=read($filename,$buffer,1024)) {
       print OUTFILE $buffer;

  Additional info uploaded with a file

    When a file is uploaded the browser usually sends along some
    information along with it in the format of headers, such as
    MIME content type. To retrieve this information, call
    uploadInfo(). It returns a reference to an associative array
    containing all the document headers.

      $filename = $q->param('uploaded_file');
      $type = $q->uploadInfo($filename)->{'Content-Type'};
      unless ($type eq 'text/html') {
        die "HTML FILES ONLY!";

Forms, upload field, responding to errors

  Upon upload error (such as user clicking Stop before upload is
  finished), returns undef for the name of the uploaded file
  and sets cgi_error() to the string "400 Bad request (malformed
  multipart POST)".

  This example shows the error message incorporated into a status
  code to be sent to the browser.

  $file = $q->upload('uploaded_file');
  if (!$file && $q->cgi_error) {
    $errorMsg = $q->cgi_error;
    print $q->header(-status=>$errorMsg);
    exit 0;

  You are free to create/print a custom HTML page to state the error.

Forms, popup menu, creating a

  print $q->popup_menu(


  %labels = (
    'eenie'=>'your first choice',
    'meenie'=>'your second choice',
    'minie'=>'your third choice'
  print $q->popup_menu(


  print $q->popup_menu(

  -name: required

  - values: required; an array reference containing the list of
  menu items. You can pass the method an anonymous array, as
  shown in the example, or a reference to a named array, such
  as "\@foo".

  -default: optional; the name of the default menu choice. If
  not specified, the first item is the default.

  -labels: optional; a pointer to an associative array
  containing long user-visible labels for the list items. If not
  provided, the values will be displayed.

  The selected value of the popup menu can be retrieved:

    $popup_menu_value = $q->param('menu_name');

Forms, scrolling list, creating a

  print $q->scrolling_list(


  print $q->scrolling_list(


  print $q->scrolling_list(

  -name and -values: see popup menu above

  -default: optional; can be a reference to a list containing the
  values to be selected by default OR can be a single value to
  select. If not provided, nothing is initially selected. In the
  named parameter version, you can use the synonym "-defaults"
  for this parameter.

  -size: optional; size of the list

  -multiple: optional; set to true to allow multiple simultaneous

  -labels: optional; a pointer to an associative array
  containing long user-visible labels for the list items. If not
  provided, the values will be displayed.

  The selected values can be retrieved:

    @selected = $q->param('list_name');

Forms, checkboxes, related, creating

  print $q->checkbox_group(


  print $q->checkbox_group(

  -name and -values: required; The second argument should be an
  array reference.

  -default: optional; it can be either a reference to a list
  containing the values to be checked by default OR a single
  value to checked. If missing or undefined, nothing is initially

  -linebreak: optional; if true, presents options vertically
  instead of default horizontally.

  -labels: optional; a pointer to an associative array containing
  long user-visible labels for the list items. If not provided,
  the values will be displayed.

  All checked boxes are returned as a list under the parameter
  name 'group_name'. The values of the "on" checkboxes can be
  retrieved with:

    @turned_on = $q->param('group_name');

  The value returned by checkbox_group() is actually an array of
  button elements. You can capture them and use them within
  tables, lists, or in other creative ways:

    @h =

Forms, checkboxes, standalone, creating

  print $q->checkbox(
          -label=>'CLICK ME'


  print $q->checkbox(
          'CLICK ME'

  checkbox() is used to create an isolated checkbox that is
  unrelated to any others.

  -name: required; The required name for the checkbox AND the
  user-readable label printed next to the checkbox.

  -checked: optional; checked if true [my massive reword; check]

  -value: optional; the value of the checkbox when it is checked.
  If not provided, the word "on" is used.

  -label: optional; the user-readable label to be attached to the
  checkbox. If not provided, the checkbox name is used.

  The value of the checkbox can be retrieved using:

    $turned_on = $q->param('checkbox_name');

Forms, radiobutton group, creating a

  print $q->radio_group(


  print $q->radio_group(

  -name: required

  -values: required; the list of values for the radio buttons.
  The values and the labels that appear on the page are
  identical. Pass an array *reference* in the second argument,
  either using an anonymous array, as shown, or by referencing
  a named array as in "\@foo".

  -default: optional; the name of the default button to turn
  on. If not specified, the first item will be the default. You
  can provide a nonexistent button name, such as "-" to start
  up with no buttons selected.

  -linebreak: optional; set to true to present the buttons
  vertically instead of the default horizontally.

  -labels: optional; a pointer to an associative array containing
  long user-visible labels for the list items. If not provided,
  the values will be displayed.

  The selected radio button can be retrieved:

    $which_radio_button = $q->param('group_name');

  The value returned by radio_group() is an array of button
  elements. You can capture them and use them within tables,
  lists, or in other creative ways:

    @h = $q->radio_group(-name=>'group_name',-values=>\@values);

Forms, submit button, creating a

  print $q->submit(


  print $q->submit('button_name','value');

  -name: optional; You can give the button a name if you have
  several submission buttons in your form and you want to
  distinguish between them. The name will also be used as the
  user-visible label. NOTE: A few older browsers don't deal with
  this correctly and never send back a value from a button.

  -value: optional; gives the button a value that will be passed
  to your script in the query string.

  You can tell which button was pressed by using different values
  for each one:

    $which_one = $q->param('button_name');

Forms, reset button, creating a

  print $q->reset

  reset() creates the "reset" button. Restores the form to its
  value from the last time the script was called, NOT necessarily
  to the defaults.

Forms, default button, creating a

  print $q->defaults('button_label')

  When invoked, the button causes the form to be completely reset
  to its defaults, wiping out all the changes the user ever made.

Forms, hidden field, creating a

  print $q->hidden(


  print $q->hidden(

  Produces a text field that can't be seen by the user. It is
  useful for passing state variable information from one
  invocation of the script to the next.

  -default: required; specifies its value. In the named parameter
  style of calling, you can provide a single value here or a
  reference to a whole list

Forms, clickable image button, creating a

  print $q->image_button(


  print $q->image_button(

  Produces a clickable image. The position of the click is
  returned to your script as "button_name.x" and "button_name.y".

  -align: optional; TOP, BOTTOM or MIDDLE

  Fetch the value of the button this way:
    $x = $q->param('button_name.x');
    $y = $q->param('button_name.y');

Cookie, creating a

  cookie() creates a new cookie. The cookie created by cookie()
  must be incorporated into the HTTP header within the string
  returned by the header() method:

    print $q->header(-cookie=>$my_cookie);

  $my_cookie =
  print $q->header(-cookie=>$cookie);

  -name: The name of the cookie (required). This can be any
  string at all. Although browsers limit their cookie names to
  non-whitespace alphanumeric characters, removes this
  restriction by escaping and unescaping cookies behind the

  -value: The value of the cookie. This can be any scalar value,
  array reference, or even associative array reference. For
  example, you can store an entire associative array into a
  cookie this way:

    $cookie = $q->cookie(
      -name=>'family information',

  -path: The optional partial path for which this cookie will be

  -domain: The optional partial domain for which this cookie will
  be valid.

  -expires: The optional expiration date for this cookie. See
  header() for format.

  -secure: If true, this cookie will only be used within a secure
  SSL session.

Cookie, retrieving a

  Request it by name:

    use CGI;
    $q = new CGI;
    $riddle = $q->cookie('riddle_name');
    %answers = $q->cookie('answers');

  Cookies created with a single scalar value, such as the
  "riddle_name" cookie, will be returned in that form. Cookies
  with array and hash values can also be retrieved.

  The cookie and CGI namespaces are separate. If you have a
  parameter named 'answers' and a cookie named 'answers', the
  values retrieved by param() and cookie() are independent of
  each other. However, it's simple to turn a CGI parameter into a
  cookie, and vice-versa:

    # turn a CGI parameter into a cookie
    # vice-versa

Style sheets example

  use CGI qw/:standard :html3/;

  #here's a stylesheet incorporated directly into the page
  P.Tip {
    margin-right: 50pt;
    margin-left: 50pt;
    color: red;
  P.Alert {
    font-size: 30pt;
    font-family: sans-serif;
    color: red;

  print header();

  print start_html(
          -title=>'CGI with Style',

  print h1('CGI with Style'),
        "Better read the cascading style sheet spec " .
        "before playing with this!"),
      span({-style=>'color: magenta'},
        "Look Mom, no hands!",
        "Whooo wee!"

  print end_html;

  Pass an array reference to -style in order to incorporate
  multiple stylesheets into your document.

Debug, dumping name/value pairs

  The Dump() method produces a string consisting of all the
  query's name/value pairs formatted nicely as a nested list.
  This is useful for debugging purposes:

    print $q->Dump

Environmental variables, fetching

  Some of the more useful environment variables can be fetched
  through this interface. The methods are as follows:


  Return a list of MIME types that the remote browser accepts. If
  you give this method a single argument corresponding to a MIME
  type, as in $q->Accept('text/html'), it will return a
  floating point value corresponding to the browser's preference
  for this type from 0.0 (don't want) to 1.0. Glob types (e.g.
  text/*) in the browser's accept list are handled correctly.

  Note that the capitalization changed between version 2.43 and
  2.44 in order to avoid conflict with Perl's accept() function.


  Returns the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable. If you give this method a
  single argument, it will attempt to pattern match on it,
  allowing you to do something like $q->user_agent(netscape);

  remote_user ()

  Return the authorization/verification name used for user
  verification, if this script is protected.


  Returns the method used to access your script, usually one of
  'POST', 'GET' or 'HEAD'.


  Returns the content_type of data submitted in a POST, generally
  multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  Called with no arguments returns the list of HTTP environment
  variables, including such things as HTTP_USER_AGENT,
  the like-named HTTP header fields in the request. Called with
  the name of an HTTP header field, returns its value.
  Capitalization and the use of hyphens versus underscores are
  not significant.

  For example, all three of these examples are equivalent:

    $requested_language = $q->http('Accept-language');
    $requested_language = $q->http('Accept_language');
    $requested_language = $q->http('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');


  The same as *http()*, but operates on the HTTPS environment
  variables present when the SSL protocol is in effect. Can be
  used to determine whether SSL is turned on.

A complete example of a simple form-based script

  use CGI;
  $q = new CGI;

  print $q->header;

  # this script does not illustrate file upload; thus,
  #  it uses start_html
  print $q->start_html("Example Form");
  print "<H1> Example Form</H1>\n";
  print $q->end_html;

  sub print_prompt {
    my($q) = @_;

    print $q->start_form;
    print "<EM>What's your name?</EM><BR>";
    print $q->textfield('name');
    print $q->checkbox('Not my real name');

    print "<P><EM>Where can you find English Sparrows?</EM><BR>";
    print $q->checkbox_group(
      -name=>'Sparrow locations',

    print "<P><EM>How far can they fly?</EM><BR>",
         -name=>'how far',
         -values=>['10 ft','1 mile','10 miles','real far'],
         -default=>'1 mile'

    print "<P><EM>What's your favorite color?</EM>  ";
    print $q->popup_menu(

    print $q->hidden('Reference',
                         'Monty Python and the Holy Grail');

    print "<P><EM>What have you got there?</EM><BR>";
    print $q->scrolling_list(
            -values=>['A Coconut','A Grail',
              'An Icon','A Sword','A Ticket'],

    print "<P><EM>Any parting comments?</EM><BR>";
    print $q->textarea(

    print "<P>",$q->reset;
    print $q->submit('Action','Shout');
    print $q->submit('Action','Scream');
    print $q->endform;
    print "<HR>\n";

  sub do_work {
    my($q) = @_;

    print "<H2>Here are the current settings in this form</H2>";

    foreach $key ($q->param) {
       print "<STRONG>$key</STRONG> -> ";
       @values = $q->param($key);
       print join(", ",@values),"<BR>\n";

  sub print_tail {
    print <<END;
  <ADDRESS>Lincoln D. Stein</ADDRESS><BR>
  <A HREF="/">Home Page</A>

Javascript, style

  # begin the html page
  my $htmlTitle = 'Phoon postcard statistics';
  my $style =<<END;
  font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial
H4 {
  font-size: 11pt;

  my $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
  if ($lang eq 'jp') {
    $charset = 'UTF-8';

  my $page =
      -type  => 'text/html',
    ) .